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ABOUT US - Leader In Digital Trading---
ACCUINVEST is an online Cryptocurrency and Foreign Exchange (Forex) trading system that is patterned after a very successful and prestegious crypto trading company.
It is with great honor that we can now offer our investors the same opportunity to earn profits from crypto and Forex trades. Trades that WE HANDLE FOR YOU!
WHAT WE ARE: ACCUINVEST pools all investments by Members, and then has a team of expert traders make daily trades on behalf of all members. All profits earned from these trades are paid to members DAILY on each investment. Backed by Gold, the ACCUINVEST system removes individual risks, while allowing people from all income levels to earn 135% ROI.
WHO WE ARE: ACCUINVEST is owned by a USA based holding company and is managed by a group of highly successful online marketing and programming specialists, as well as highly-talented crypto, Gold, and Forex traders. With over 100 years of combined business management experience, the ACCUINVEST Team is well qualified.
WHY WE ARE: Members of the ACCUINVEST Executive Team share the explicit MISSION; IF THERES A WILL THERES A WAY. This is more than a slogan. It is the original intent of the creator, to design and operate an online pay system that “anyone” can use, regardless of race, financial circumstances, location, age, gender, or level of experience. The best part is: No Recruiting required to earn!!!
We trade your crypto via our custom algorithms and rules AND invest your money in gold mining tools and then you get a percentage of your profits. Peru is currently the sixth largest gold producing country in the world. The country produced 165t of gold in 2012, a three percent decline over 2011 production. Peru accounted for 6.1% of global gold output in 2012. Compania de Minas Buenaventura is the main gold-producing company in the country. Yanacocha mine is the largest gold mine in Peru. The country accounted for 4.2% of the global gold reserve as of December 2012.
These are among the most powerful gold miners in the world, so the investment you make will be backed by gold .The companies with which we have a partnership has agreed to assume full responsibly, as per our legally binding contract. But always remember that investing is a risk. .. but if you'd like to invest with VERY LITTLE RISK, we are here for you.